Tuesday, January 19, 2016

1. My work is about high depth of field because background is in focus while apple is not
2. i chose this subject because i can do this well
3. i was able to achieve this by changing shutter speed and focus

5. used focus and a fast shutter speed. i zoomed in to the apple then raised shutter speed
6. i raised the brightness, contrast, and saturation of these photos to add detail
7.the last photo was the best because it has the best quality and most detail.
8. the first image was the weakest because there was too much yellow.
9. i would take the pictures with better lighting.


  1. Photos (worth 50%)
    Color/Contrast Editing: 3
    Contact Sheet: 2
    Composition: 2
    Print Production:4
    Print Quality:2

    Blog Entry (50%)


  2. Buenos días,
    Discúlpe me pero justo para decirle que somos una sociedad del lugar y ofrecemos préstamos de dinero a todas personas serias y honesto con el fin de aumentar sus actividades, invertir en un proyecto, comprar una casa o un coche. El porcentaje de interés es del 3% por año.

    Para más información, correo: ( simondurochefort@gmail.com )
    Whatsapp: +33756949346
